NDRL Hires New Executive Director

For Immediate Release

North Dakota Right to Life is pleased to announce the appointment of Bridget Turbide as its new Executive Director. With a proven track record in organizational growth and innovation, Bridget Turbide brings valuable experience to North Dakota Right to Life.

North Dakota Right to Life is dedicated to advancing its mission through education, legislation, and political action. The organization informs its members and the public about issues such as abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide in a peaceful, factual, and lawful manner. We work to make North Dakota’s culture, a culture of life, protecting all vulnerable persons from conception to natural death.

Bridget's background in management, public relations, and communications uniquely qualifies her for this role. A graduate of the University of Mary with a degree in Public Relations, Bridget has successfully innovated organizations and influenced legislative processes throughout her career. Bridget is excited to begin her role making positive changes to help protect the vulnerable in our society.

“We are excited, and filled with hope, to welcome Bridget Turbide as our new Executive Director,” said Gary Artz, President of North Dakota Right to Life. “Her past experience in innovation and leadership bodes well to propel North Dakota Right to Life forward as we continue to advocate for our values and mission.”